Monday, June 25, 2007

Ziegenfuss Family Reunion

It's very fastly approaching.

To update all: I believe that Ann, Glenn, & Pat are arriving Sat (noonish? - will you be hungry?). I believe Marie is coming early - about Thurs or Fri, and she'll work hard for a day or 2. I believe that Jean, Adam, and Jess are arriving Sunday (noonish?) after spending a day in Mpls with Teresa. And I believe that Teresa, Cathy, and Barb are arriving later Sunday after a quick trip to Clear Lake. Then Alexis and maybe Beckie will come later? Mon? Tues? Please let me know if I'm way off base on anyone (altho, I suppose it really doesn't matter, does it?)

I also think that Joseph and Jill will be present for the day only on Sunday, and that Katy and Jeanette will also be there Sat. and Sun. and maybe into Monday, and Katy to Tues? ??????

We are really looking forward to a pleasurable and unrushed several days. Every one drive VERY safely!


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